How To Make Money With Bing Ads [13 SIMPLE STEPS!]

How To Make Money With Bing Ads [13 SIMPLE STEPS!]

For many internet marketers Bing is too complicated that they have deemed it a no go zone. Bing however is just as good as Google and the other search engines when it comes to making money from adverts and marketing-maybe even better! I say better because Google is saturated and very few people have Bing in mind when it comes to making online income. 
Although Bing works pretty much like Google, there are a few differences in the way it works and regulations concerning the adverts and marketing in general. Most people terribly fail in their quest to make money from Bing because they want to treat it like Google. Today, we have a challenge to all those skeptics that think that it is hard to make money from Bing Ads. We make lots of money from Bing Ads and today we want to enlighten you as well. We have provided 13 simple steps and insights on how to make money from Bing Ads anywhere in the world. These include the types of ads and tips to optimize your ads for the best income from the ads. Here are the 13 Simple Steps on How to make money from Bing Ads 
Choose the best product 
The choice of the product to promote plays a vital part in the success or failure of your Bing Ads campaign. Choose a product that people are most likely to purchase. It is also important to choose a product that you are passionate about. After making your mind on what product you want to promote, inquire from the owners for an affiliate link. This enables you to obtain commission from every sale made.
Set up your website 
After obtaining the affiliate link, you will then create your own website. It is fairly easy to create a free website though you need to log in to wealth affiliate first. Instructions on how to create your website can be found in Google.
Choose keywords that are relevant
It is very important to note keywords that are most profitable to use. SEMrush is a tool you can use to find out keywords that have been used most by internet users. You can then use this knowledge to establish the keywords you will use in your campaign. 
Post something on your website
Write an article or post on your website using the keywords you chose. The article can be simple, write about anything and with a polite tone. Alternatively you can purchase an article from professional writers. After getting your article, post on your website. Insert your affiliate links in some of the sentences in your post and then click publish.
Obtain $50 Bing coupon
For every new account, you will receive a 50$ coupon. Click on the request a coupon option, fill in your details and wait for your coupon.
Sign up to Bing Ads
Activate your Bing ads by linking your credit card to your Bing ads. You can then lo in using Hotmail or live email to the Bing ads.
Diversify your target market
Make sure to target more English countries, advisably 5-10. This reduces the price below $0.05 per tick hence making it more profitable. Very many people get little returns from their ad campaigns because they choose their markets wrongly. Diversity only increases your chances.
Standard Text Ads 
They do ever so well on Bing! They are not only cheaper but reach a tremendous number of people. There seems to be some power in the old traditional text advertising in Bing. Research shows that plain text ads tend to do well in Bing then they do on other search engines like Google where people go for visuals and expanded ads.
Better ad placement 
If you already know a thing or two about Bing Ads, then you probably know how important the position of the ad is. The placement within the search results and the exact positioning on the web page will influence the outcome of the ad in the end. If you are looking to earn more money from the Bing ads, then make sure your placement and positioning is spot on.
Product Ads 
Another form of ads that you can use to make money in Bing are the Product ads. From the Bing Merchant Center, you can create custom shopping campaigns. They let you add custom images and a price listing with the image. They attract more people and have better conversion rates.
Optimize for mobile ads 
Optimize your ads for mobile device users. If you want to make more income from your Bing Ads today, you’ve got to make sure that the site and the ads at large are optimized for mobile devices. Over 67% of all Bing users in 2014 were mobile device users.

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