How to Exercise Your Creativity


  1. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 1
    Stand in the middle of a room. Imagine walking on the walls or the ceiling.
  2. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 2
    Walk outside. Close your eyes and pick a random color. Open your eyes to try to find anything with that color.
  3. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 3
    Change up natural colors. (EX. Blue sky can be green or grass could be purple)
  4. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 4
    Can't think up that good main character name for a story or play? Well list a few of your favorite names and mix-&-match. (ex. Katherine and Madeleine = Katheline)
  5. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 5
    See mirrors, pictures, TV's, and computer screens as doors/gateways.
  6. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 6
    Think up a random animal. Now try to place yourself in the animal's life. What would it do? Eat? Where and how would it sleep?
  7. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 7
    Close your eyes and image a blue circle with a white background. Now imagine your hand, then try a simple object. Keep going until you can imagine a place like a beach or a large tree on a hill. (don't forget to use your senses)
  8. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 8
    Combine two random things together like a fishing and pole vaulting. What you get is you pole vault with your fishing rod into the water.
  9. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 9
    Close your eyes and draw something from memory. (Don't use might mark yourself)
  10. Image titled Exercise Your Creativity Step 10
    "Do penguins have knees?" "Why can Goofy walk on two legs but Pluto walks on all fours when they are both dogs?"

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