Most importantly, if you suck at trading (and you certainly will in the beginning), you will know it is down to one of only two reasons: either there’s a problem in your trading plan or you are not sticking to your trading plan.
If you’re trading without a plan, it’s impossible to know what you’re doing right from wrong.
You have no way to evaluate your results, so you’ll never know how to stop sucking.
We can’t emphasize this enough…
If you fail to plan, then you’ve already planned to fail.
Obviously, a trading plan doesn’t guarantee success, but a good plan that is followed will help you stay in the forex game longer than traders who don’t having a trading plan.
Trading Plan Needed For Forex Survival
SURVIVAL is better than failure and it should be your first goal as a newbie trader.
Remember, 90% of new traders don’t make it. You want to be part of that special “10%” that does make it.
You’re probably thinking, “Ba humbug! Trading plan, schmading plan. I can be part of that 10% without a stinkin’ trading plan!”
It may be tempting to trade by the seat of your pants, but if you don’t develop clearly defined trading plans and be disciplined enough to follow them consistently, you’ll have much difficulty making consistent money as a trader.
Don’t take any chances. Have a trading plan.